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    Helper class for projection handling. Makes use of Proj4js.





    • Registers custom CRS mappings to allow automatic CRS detection. Sometimes FeatureCollections returned by the GeoServer may be associated with CRS identifiers (e.g. "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::25832") that aren't supported by proj4 and OpenLayers per default. Add appropriate mappings to allow automatic CRS detection by OpenLayers here.


      • customCrsMappings: CrsMapping | CrsMapping[]

        The custom CRS mappings which will be added additionally to the by default available (s. defaultProj4CrsMappings above).

      • useDefaultMappings: boolean = true

        Whether the default CRS should be mapped as well or not. Default is true.

      Returns void

    • Registers custom CRS definitions to the application.


      • OptionalcustomCrsDefs: CrsDefinition | CrsDefinition[]

        The custom proj4 definitions which should be registered additionally to default available CRS (s. defaultProj4CrsDefinitions above) as well. Further CRS definitions in proj4 format can be checked under http://epsg.io (e.g. http://epsg.io/3426.proj4).

      • registerDefaults: boolean = true

        Whether the default CRS should be registered or not. Default is true.

      Returns void

    • Converts geographic coordinates given in DDD format like DD.DDDD° to the degree, decimal minutes (DMM) format like DDD° MM.MMMM.


      • value: number

        Value to be converted.

      Returns string

      Converted value.

    • Converts geographic coordinates given in DDD format like DD.DDDD° to the degree, minutes, decimal seconds (DMS) format like DDD° MM' SS.SSS".


      • value: number

        Value to be converted.

      Returns string

      Converted value.

    • Adds leading zero to all values less than 10 and returns this new zerofilled value as String. Values which are greater than 10 are not affected.


      • value: string | number

        Value to be zerofilled.

      Returns string

      converted value with leading zero if necessary.