Create a new application
Log in to the Admin-Client and authenticate as a admin-user
Select Application menu item
button to create a new Web-GIS application
To save an instance, it is first necessary to specify a name
Use the following JSON-script for the Client configuration:
Client configuration
{ "mapView": { "zoom": 2, "center": [ 10, 51 ], "extent": null, "projection": "EPSG:3857", "resolutions": [ 8920, 4480, 2240, 1120, 560, 350, 280, 140, 70, 28, 14, 7, 2.8, 1.4, 0.7, 0.28, 0.07 ] }, "description": "The default application", "legal": { "contact": "", "imprint": "", "privacy": "" }, "theme": { "primaryColor": "#555555", "secondaryColor": "#73b3fb", "complementaryColor": "#ffffff", "logoPath": "null" } }
More detailed information about the attributes can be found here.
- Use the following JSON-script for the Layertree-configuration:
Layertree configuration
{ "title": "root", "children": [ { "title": "Copernicus Services", "checked": false, "children": [ { "title": "VHR 2018", "checked": false, "layerId": 1 }, { "title": "VHR 2012", "checked": false, "layerId": 2 } ] }, { "title": "OSM-WMS(gray)", "checked": true, "layerId": 3 } ] }
The layerId has to be corresponding to the Layers-layerId!
If the layers are already added as a Layer, you can skip this step. If the layers still need to be added:
- Switch to Layers menu item
Add Land - VHR Mosaik 2018-layer
- Click create layer button to create a new layer
- Name the layer
Land - VHR Mosaik 2018
and choose the typeTILEWMS
- Use the following JSON-script as a Datasource:
- Save the layer via the save layer button
{ "url": "", "layerNames": "VHR_2018_WM:VHR2018", "useBearerToken": false }
Add Land - VHR Mosaik 2012
- Click create layer button to create a new layer
- Name the layer
Land - VHR Mosaik 2012
and choose the typeTILEWMS
- Use the following JSON-script as a Datasource:
- Save the layer via the save layer button
{ "url": "", "layerNames": "core003_Mosaic_NaturalColor_Feathering", "useBearerToken": false }
Add OSM-WMS (gray)
- Click create layer button to create a new layer
- Name the layer
OSM-WMS (gray)
and choose the typeTILEWMS
- Use the following JSON-script as a Datasource:
- Save the layer via the save layer button
{ "url": "", "layerNames": "OSM-WMS", "attribution": "© <a href=\"\">OpenStreetMap contributors</a>", "useBearerToken": false }
Use the following JSON-script to define which tools shall be available for the Web-GIS application:
List of tools
[ { "name": "measure_tools", "config": { "visible": true } }, { "name": "measure_tools_distance", "config": { "visible": true } }, { "name": "measure_tools_area", "config": { "visible": true } }, { "name": "draw_tools", "config": { "visible": true } }, { "name": "draw_tools_point", "config": { "visible": true } }, { "name": "draw_tools_line", "config": { "visible": true } }, { "name": "draw_tools_polygon", "config": { "visible": true } }, { "name": "draw_tools_circle", "config": { "visible": true } }, { "name": "draw_tools_rectangle", "config": { "visible": true } }, { "name": "draw_tools_annotation", "config": { "visible": true } }, { "name": "draw_tools_modify", "config": { "visible": true } }, { "name": "draw_tools_upload", "config": { "visible": true } }, { "name": "draw_tools_download", "config": { "visible": true } }, { "name": "draw_tools_delete", "config": { "visible": true } }, { "name": "feature_info", "config": { "visible": true } }, { "name": "print", "config": { "visible": true } }, { "name": "tree", "config": { "visible": true } }, { "name": "permalink", "config": { "visible": true } }, { "name": "language_selector", "config": { "visible": true } } ]
At this point the Web-GIS application is ready to use and can be accessed by the admin-user. If multiple users should access the application, access rights must be granted to the respective users. This is done via the User permissions-grid:
- Click on the
- Type in the Username or the email address of the user you want to grant access
- Select the permission Read
- Confirm your request
- Click on the
To open the Web-GIS application just click on the Link to application within the respective row of the applications grid
Upload vector or raster data and display it in the Web-GIS
Log in to the Admin-Client and authenticate as a admin-user
Switch to the content Layers
Click the "Upload layer" button and upload a geoTIFF or ShapeFile. Alternatively the files can also be added via Drag&Drop onto the upload button.
The ShapeFile data need to be zipped.
A new Layer will be added to the list of existing ones
Switch to the content Application and edit the layertree configuration
Add a new layer to the layertree and link the layer with the LayerId corresponding to the Layers LayerId