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Under the heading Applications you will find the option of creating new Web GIS applications or editing existing ones.


If you select an application, the editing menu opens on the right-hand side.


As soon as the input form has been completed with all the required information, it can be saved using the "Save application" button.

The "Reset application" button can be used to reset the input screen of the application. All changes since the last save are discarded.

When creating/editing an application, the Client configuration and Theme tree fields must be filled in addition to the name for the application.

Client configuration

The configuration of the application is saved in JSON format in this field. Each application can be changed by editing the JSON format parameters, e.g. the initial zoom level, the title or the colour scheme:

"mapView": {
"zoom": 0,
"center": [
"projection": "EPSG:3857",
"resolutions": [
"description": "The default application",
"legal": {
"contact": "",
"imprint": "",
"privacy": ""
"theme": {
"primaryColor": "#008CD2",
"secondaryColor": "#D1007F",
"complementaryColor": "#EEEEEE"

This is a complete list of the parameters that can be edited:

mapView -> zoomZoom level at which the map is initially loaded7false
mapView -> centerPosition on the map on which the map is initially centred"center": [7,51]true
mapView -> extentThe maximum extent of the map (in WGS84)'[2.5683045738288137, 45.429089001638076, 19.382621082401887, 57.283993958205926]'false
mapView -> projectionProjection of the map'EPSG:25832'false
mapView -> resolutionsThe list of map resolutions'[2445.9849047851562, 1222.9924523925781, 611.4962261962891]'false
mapView → crsDefinitionsThe list of CRS definitions in proj4 format that should also be registered in the application.{
'crsCode': 'EPSG:25832',
'definition': '+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs'
descriptionDescription of the application to be displayed on the start page'My Web-GIS'false
theme -> primaryColorDetermines the background colour of the header and footer element'#444444'false
theme -> secondaryColorDetermines the colour when hovering over text elements and buttons'#ffc0cb'false
theme -> complementaryColorDefines the font colour of text elements in the header and footer'#000000'false
theme -> logoPathURL of the logo that is displayed in the header component
defaultLanguageDetermines the default language of the application (ISO 639-1).'de'false
legal -> imprintURL for the imprint link
legal -> imprintURL for the contact link
legal -> privacyURL for the privacy link


The configuration for the application's layertree is saved in JSON format in this field:

"title": "root",
"children": [
"checked": true,
"layerId": 54
"title": "Airports",
"checked": true,
"layerId": 181
"title": "Countries",
"checked": true,
"layerId": 27
"title": "OSM-WMS (gray)",
"checked": true,
"layerId": 24
"checked": true,
"layerId": 68

The layertree consists of two different elements, "layer" and "layer group", which are defined in the JSON document. A "layer" has the following structure:

"title": "My Layer",
"checked": false,
"layerId": 42

One or more layers can be part of a "Layergroup". In this case, they must be added to the "Children" array as follows:

"title": "My Layer group",
"checked": true,
"children": [
"title": "Layer 1",
"checked": true,
"layerId": 12
"title": "Layer 2",
"checked": true,
"layerId": 24
"title": "Layer 3",
"checked": true,
"layerId": 16

A "Layergroup" can also be part of the "Children" array. In this case, a further hierarchy level is added.


Important: The layerId must match the layer ID of the layer!

This is a complete list of the parameters that can be edited:

titleLayer or group name that is displayed in the layertree. If not set, the layer name of the internal geoserver is used'My base layers'false
checkedSpecifies whether a layer or all layers within a layer group should be visible firsttruefalse
childrenArray of layers and layer groups[{"title": "layer 1", "checked": true, "layerId":1 }]false
layerIdLayer ID that corresponds to the layer ID of the desired theme1true

Layer configuration

In the Layer configuration window, predefined layer settings from the layers configuration and the layers datasource section can be overwritten and adapted to the respective application.

Each layer to be changed is an object within an array:

"layerId": 1,
"clientConfig": {
"opacity": 0.5
"layerId": 2,
"clientConfig": {
"hoverable": true
"layerId": 3,
"sourceConfig": {
"useBearerToken": true

This is a full list of parameters that can be edited:

layerIdLayerId corresponding to the LayerId of the layer1true
clientConfigsee full list of clientConfig parameters in layers configuration
sourceConfigsee full list of sourceConfig parameters in layers datasource

Configure tools

The configuration for the application tools is saved in JSON format in this field:

"name": "measure_tools",
"config": {
"visible": false
"name": "measure_tools_distance",
"config": {
"visible": false
"name": "measure_tools_area",
"config": {
"visible": false
"name": "draw_tools",
"config": {
"visible": false
"name": "draw_tools_point",
"config": {
"visible": false
"name": "draw_tools_line",
"config": {
"visible": false
"name": "draw_tools_polygon",
"config": {
"visible": false
"name": "draw_tools_circle",
"config": {
"visible": false
"name": "draw_tools_rectangle",
"config": {
"visible": false
"name": "draw_tools_annotation",
"config": {
"visible": false
"name": "draw_tools_modify",
"config": {
"visible": false
"name": "draw_tools_upload",
"config": {
"visible": false
"name": "draw_tools_download",
"config": {
"visible": false
"name": "draw_tools_delete",
"config": {
"visible": false
"name": "draw_tools_style",
"config": {
"visible": false
"name": "feature_info",
"config": {
"visible": true,
"activeCopyTools": []
"name": "print",
"config": {
"visible": true
"name": "tree",
"config": {
"visible": true
"name": "permalink",
"config": {
"visible": true
"name": "language_selector",
"config": {
"visible": false
"name": "search",
"config": {
"engines": [

Each available tool from the toolbox is recorded in this document. If you set the visibility of a tool to 'true', it will be made available in the Web GIS application. Please note that some tools also depend on other parameters (e.g. the query capability of a layer).

This is a complete list of the parameters that can be edited:

nameName of the tool. The parameter should not be changed
config -> visibleDefines the visibility of a specific tool within the Web GIS application

Important: If you leave the configuration empty, all tools are available by default. As soon as a tool is added to the configuration, all other tools are no longer available until they are also explicitly added.

User permissions

In the User rights field, users can be activated for the respective applications and assigned user rights.


If you click on the admin-client button, a new window with two input fields opens:


After entering the user name or e-mail address of a user, various authorisations can be assigned to this user. The following authorisations are available:

ReadAll authenticated users can access the Web GIS application
UpdateIf set, the user can change the application configuration
Update & DeleteIf set, the user can change the application and delete it completely.
OwnerIf set, the user can change and delete the JSON files that configure the Web GIS and grant authorisations to new users.

Every user listed in the authorisation table has access to the corresponding application. Authorisations other than 'Read' only affect users who also have the 'Admin' role, as only these users can access the Admin client and therefore change the configurations.