
Components are referred to the Ext JS class Ext.Component which is the base class for all components. Generally speaking a component itself is a predefined Ext JS compatible module composed of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. In the former exercises we already met the components Ext.window.Window, Ext.container.Viewport and Ext.panel.Panel (whereas the latter not explicit, but it's the default component in the Viewport container).

Every Component has a shorthand name called xtype. The xtype is especially useful if you want to render your application lazily, that means rendering your components at the time they're getting meaningful for your application, e.g. creating an error message at the time an error occurred. In the upcoming examples we'll use the xtype to create components.

A typical application's component hierarchy starts with a viewport at the top, which has other containers and/or components nested within it.

The component hierarchy, source:
The component hierarchy, source:

In the upcoming section we're going to inspect some components that might be useful for any Ext JS application your're going to develop in the future:

The descriptions given in the upcoming subsections are based on the API documentation.