Understanding custom builds
OpenLayers 3 is a big library providing a lot of functionality. So it is unlikely that an application will need and use all the functionality OpenLayers 3 provides. Custom builds (a.k.a. application-specific builds) are OpenLayers 3 builds with just the functionality your application needs. Custom builds are often much smaller that the full build, so creating custom builds is often a very good idea.
OpenLayers 3 builds are created by using the Closure Compiler. The goal of the Closure Compiler is to compile JavaScript to better JavaScript, that takes less time to downoad and run faster.
The Closure Compiler is a Java program, so running the Compiler requires a Java Virtual Machine. So before jumping to the next section, and creating a custom build, make sure Java is installed on your machine.
You just need the Java Runtime Environment, which you can download from the
Oracle Java
site. For
example, for Windows, you would download and install
Build configuration file
Creating a custom build requires writing a build configuration file. The format of build configuration files is JSON. Here is a simple example of a build configuration file:
"exports": [
"jvm": [],
"umd": true,
"compile": {
"externs": [
"define": [
"jscomp_error": [
"jscomp_off": [
"extra_annotation_name": [
"api", "observable"
"compilation_level": "ADVANCED",
"warning_level": "VERBOSE",
"use_types_for_optimization": true,
"manage_closure_dependencies": true
The most relevant part of this configuration object is the exports
This array declares the functions/constructors you use in your JavaScript code.
For example, the above configuration file is what you'd use for the following
JavaScript code:
var map = new ol.Map({
target: 'map',
layers: [
new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.OSM()
view: new ol.View({
center: [0, 0],
zoom: 4