Event afterrender

The afterrender event is being fired after a component is finally rendered (to the DOM) and is very often used if you want to make sure, your listener function is called after the component is rendered.

In the following exercise we'll register another listener to the button Load data that will show up a minimalistic message box (Ext.toast) to the user after the button has been rendered.


  • (Re-)open your index.html and find the button declaration within the panel in the center region and we used in the former exercise.
  • Register a listener for the event afterrender by appending the following code block to its listeners array:


afterrender: function(cmp) {
        html: 'Click <code>Load data</code>!',
        title: 'Hint',
        align: 't',
  • And again, reload the page in the browser and you will see the toast.
A simple Ext.toast.
A simple Ext.toast.

Dissecting the example

Let's have a more detailed look at the function we passed to the afterrender listener:

  •   function(cmp) {...}

    As already illustrated, events can hold extra arguments which will be received in the listener functions and similiar to the click event, the afterrender event passes a reference to the rendered component to the anonymous function. The variable cmp therefore refers to the button itself (but is not used in our function).

  •   Ext.toast({
        html: 'Click <code>Load data</code>!',
        title: 'Hint',
        align: 't',

    The Ext.toast class provides a lightweight, auto-dismissing pop-up notifications and is configurable by the use of a configuration object. Here we set both the html and title keys for a simple message and title as well as the align key for specifing the alignment of the toast message to the top of its anchor (the viewport).