Preparing the data

An image pyramid builds multiple mosaics of images, each one at a different zoom level, making it so that each tile is stored in a separate file. This comes with a composition overhead to bring back the tiles into a single image, but can speed up image handling as each overview is tiled, and thus a sub-set of it can be accessed efficiently (as opposed to a single GeoTIFF, where the base level can be tiled, but the overviews never are).

Out input raster from natural earth is a simple huge GeoTIFF file (~400MB) without overviews. Not exactly what we'd want to use for high performance data serving, but good for redistribution and as a starting point to build a pyramid.

In order to build the pyramid we'll use the utility, part of the GDAL command line utilities and available for various operating systems.

  • Open terminal and navigate to directory ~/materials/natural_earth/OB_LR.
  • Create a new folder named pyramid with:
$  mkdir OB_LR_pyramid/
  • Run the following command that will build a pyramid (Note: This may take a while!):
$ -v \
    -s_srs EPSG:4326 \
    -r bilinear \
    -levels 4 \
    -ps 512 512 \
    -co "TILED=YES" \
    -co "COMPRESS=JPEG" \
    -targetDir OB_LR_pyramid/ \

Short explanation:

  • -v: Verbose output, allows the user to see each file creation scroll by, thus knowing progress is being made.
  • -r bilinear: Use bilinear interpolation when building the lower resolution levels. This is key to get good image quality without asking GeoServer to perform expensive interpolations in memory.
  • -levels 4: The number of levels in the pyramid.
  • -ps 512 512: Each tile in the pyramid will be a 512x512 GeoTIFF.
  • -co "TILED=YES": Each GeoTIFF tile in the pyramid will be inner tiled.
  • -co "COMPRESS=JPEG": Each GeoTIFF tile in the pyramid will be JPEG compressed (trades small size for higher performance, try out it without this parameter too).
  • -targetDir pyramid: Build the pyramid in the pyramid directory. The target directory must exist and be empty
  • OB_LR.tif: The source file
  • As GeoServer needs to have read and write access to the pyramid we just created, we'll move the OB_LR_pyramid folder to the GeoServer data directory:
$ sudo mv OB_LR_pyramid/ /opt/tomcat/webapps/geoserver/data/data/
  • Navigate to the data directory:
$ cd /opt/tomcat/webapps/geoserver/data/data/
  • Assign read and write access to the tomcat user:
$ sudo chown -R tomcat:tomcat OB_LR_pyramid; sudo chmod -R 755 OB_LR_pyramid/