Useful resources

In order to efficiently work with all the libraries used throughout the workshop, you'll need know some other resources:



API documentation

Use th API docs of OpenLayers to know about available classes and their properties:

The left side of the API-docs is a list of all objects in OpenLayers. If you click on the name of an OpenLayers class there, you see the API of the object.

In the subpages you can find a list of all properties, methods and events the class provides. You should make yourself familiar with how to navigate the API docs.


Many people learn best when they see the parts of a library in action. OpenLayers has a vast amount of published online examples, which mostly focus on one aspect of the library.

Browse the examples and learn how to find one that provides the information you need.



API documentation

The quantity and quality of the ExtJS API documentation is outstanding.

The docs provide a list of all classes on the left and details once you click on any class. In order to understand and make use of ExtJS, it is crucial to fully grasp the documentation.


The examples for the ExtJS framework can be found here:

As with the API documentation, you may at first be overwhelmed at the sheer masses of examples. It is nonetheless very useful to click through some of them, as the show how to combine the classes of the framework into small working applications.




API documentation

The GeoExt API documentation (generated with the same software as the ExtJS one) can be found here:

If you know your way around in The ExtJS documentation, you will easily understand the GeoExt one.

There is also a version of the API of GeoExt, which includes all the classes from the ExtJS framework:


The (few) examples of the GeoExt library can be accessed from the homepage: