Cached Tiles

By default, the Tile layer makes requests for 256 x 256 (pixel) images to fill your map viewport and beyond. As you pan and zoom around your map, more requests for images go out to fill the areas you haven't yet visited. While your browser will cache some requested images, a lot of processing work is typically required for the server to dynamically render images.

Since tiled layers make requests for images on a regular grid, it is possible for the server to cache these image requests and return the cached result next time you (or someone else) visits the same area - resulting in better performance all around.


The Web Map Service specification allows a lot of flexibility in terms of what a client can request. Without constraints, this makes caching difficult or impossible in practice.

At the opposite extreme, a service might offer tiles only at a fixed set of zoom levels and only for a regular grid. These can be generalized as tiled layers with an XYZ source - you can consider X and Y to indicate the column and row of the grid and Z to represent the zoom level.


The OpenStreetMap (OSM) project is an effort to collect and make freely available map data for the world. OSM provides a few different renderings of their data as cached tile sets. These renderings conform to the basic XYZ grid arrangement and can be used in an OpenLayers map. The ol.source.OSM layer source accesses OpenStreetMap tiles.


  1. Open the map.html file from the previous section in a text editor and change the map initialization code to look like the following:
        var map = new ol.Map({
          target: 'map',
          layers: [
            new ol.layer.Tile({
              source: new ol.source.OSM()
          view: new ol.View({
            center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([126.97, 37.56]),
            zoom: 9
          controls: ol.control.defaults({
            attributionOptions: {
              collapsible: false
  2. In the &lt;head&gt; of the same document, add a few style declarations for the layer attribution.
         #map {
             width: 512px;
             height: 256px;
         .ol-attribution a {
             color: black;
  3. Save your changes, and refresh the page in your browser: A tiled layer with an OSM source

A Closer Look


Review the view definition of the map:

view: new ol.View({
    center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([126.97, 37.56]),
    zoom: 9

Geospatial data can come in any number of coordinate reference systems. One data set might use geographic coordinates (longitude and latitude) in degrees, and another might have coordinates in a local projection with units in meters. A full discussion of coordinate reference systems is beyond the scope of this module, but it is important to understand the basic concept.

OpenLayers 3 needs to know the coordinate system for your data. Internally, this is represented with an ol.proj.Projection object but strings can also be supplied.

The OpenStreetMap tiles that we will be using are in a Mercator projection. Because of this, we need to set the initial center using Mercator coordinates. Since it is relatively easy to find out the coordinates for a place of interest in geographic coordinates, we use the ol.proj.fromLonLat method to turn geographic coordinates (&#39;EPSG:4326&#39;) into Mercator coordinates (&#39;EPSG:3857&#39;).

Alternative Projections

OpenLayers 3 includes transforms between Geographic (&#39;EPSG:4326&#39;) and Web Mercator (&#39;EPSG:3857&#39;) coordinate reference systems. Because of this, we can use the ol.proj.fromLonLat function above without any extra work. If you want to work with data in a different projection, you need to include some additional information before using the ol.proj.* functions.

For example, if you wanted to work with data in the &#39;EPSG:21781&#39; coordinate reference system, you would include the following two script tags in your page:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

Then in your application code, you could register this projection and set its validity extent as follows:

// This creates a projection object for the EPSG:21781 projection
  // and sets a "validity extent" in that projection object.
  var projection = ol.proj.get('EPSG:21781');
  projection.setExtent([485869.5728, 76443.1884, 837076.5648, 299941.7864]);

The extent information can be looked up at, using the EPSG code.

Layer Creation

layers: [
    new ol.layer.Tile({
      source: new ol.source.OSM()

As before, we create a layer and add it to the layers array of our map config object. This time, we accept all the default options for the source.


.ol-attribution a {
    color: black;

A treatment of map controls is also outside of the scope of this module, but these style declarations give you a sneak preview. By default, an ol.control.Attribution control is added to all maps. This lets layer sources display attribution information in the map viewport. The declarations above alter the style of this attribution for our map (notice the Copyright line at the bottom right of the map).

Attribution Control Configuration

By default the ol.control.Attribution adds an i (information) button that can be pressed to actually displays the attribution information. To comply to OpenStreetMap's Terms Of Use, and always display the OpenStreetMap attribution information, the following is used in the options object passed to the ol.Map constructor:

controls: ol.control.defaults({
    attributionOptions: {
      collapsible: false

This removes the i button, and makes the attribution information always visible.

Having mastered layers with publicly available cached tile sets, let's move on to working with proprietary raster layers.