
Before we can start importing and reading data in this modules, we have to create a new database on the (already installed) PostgreSQL database server as data source for new layers. Thus we will use the administration tool pgAdmin III. Let's start by opening it:

  • Click Menu in the lower left corner and search for pgadmin
  • In the resulting list select pgAdmin III (pgadmin) to open the tool.

Add a new server connection in pgAdmin

Once pgAdmin has started we can create a new connection to our PostgreSQL database server:

  • Create a new server connection by selecting FileAdd Server in the top menu bar and enter the following:
    • Name: momo-workshop
    • Host: localhost
    • Port: 5432
    • Username: momo
    • Password: momo
    • Store password: checked

  • Click OK

Creating a database

Now we can connect to this server by a double click on the newly created entry in the left hand sided Object browser (or open the context menu for this entry and select Connect as shown below).

Within the next steps we will create a new database on this database server:

  • Open the SQL-Query window by clicking the icon in the upper toolbar. Note: If the icon is greyed out, select the existing database postgres first.
  • Copy the following SQL block into the SQL-Query window:
      CREATE DATABASE db_momo_ws
        WITH OWNER = momo
        ENCODING = 'UTF8'
        TABLESPACE = pg_default
        CONNECTION LIMIT = -1;
  • Click Execute query () in the upper toolbar to run the query.
  • After successful execution go back to the Object browser, select the server and refresh the actual view (by pressing Refresh the selected object () in the top toolbar) and ensure you have a new database entry named db_momo_ws present.
  • Close the SQL-Query window.

Creating a schema

Once the database is created, we'll create a new schema in this database. This schema will be used to store any geodata table we are going to import in this workshop.

  • Select the newly created database db_momo_ws in the Object browser and open the SQL window (). If you haven't closed the SQL-Query window before, please verify that you are connected to the correct database in the upper toolbar. Otherwise all subsequent SQL queries will be executed on the wrong database!
  • Copy the following SQL block into the SQL-Query window to create a new schema named geodata:
      CREATE SCHEMA geodata
        AUTHORIZATION momo;
  • Click Execute query () to run the query.
  • Refresh the Object browser and ensure the new schema is being created in the database db_momo_ws.

Enable spatial functionality

In the final step we will add support for geographic objects by enabling the spatial database extension PostGIS for our database db_momo_ws.

  • Open the SQL window (if not already opened) and paste in the following SQL block to spatially enable the database db_momo_ws:
      CREATE EXTENSION postgis;
  • Click Execute query to run the query.
  • Ensure the extension is being successfully installed by executing the following query:
      SELECT PostGIS_full_version();
    The corresponding output should look like:
      "POSTGIS="2.1.2 r12389" GEOS="3.4.2-CAPI-1.8.2 r3921" PROJ="Rel. 4.8.0, 6 March 2012" GDAL="GDAL 1.10.1, released 2013/08/26" LIBXML="2.9.1" LIBJSON="UNKNOWN" RASTER"