Event change

The change event is being fired when e.g. a file input field's value has changed.

In this (final) exercise we'll add a new textfield to the gridpanels toolbar involving a filter function that is called on every change made by the user to the textfield.


  • (Re-)open your index.html and find the toolbar declaration inside the gridpanel rendered to the center region.

At first we will make use of the class Ext.toolbar.Fill to add a non-rendering placeholder item to the toolbar whereby all following items will be aligned to the right of the toolbar. (Other useful toolbar items you may interested in are tbseparator and tbspacer.)

  • Add the placeholder to the end of the toolbar by inserting the following declaration:
        xtype: 'tbfill'
  • Next we'll add a textfield with the change listener to the toolbar:


    xtype: 'textfield',
    emptyText: 'Find by First name',
    listeners: {
        change: function(field, newValue, oldValue) {
                property: 'firstName',
                value: newValue || '',
                anyMatch: true,
                caseSensitive: false
  • Reload the page in the browser and you should notice a new textfield in the upper right of the centered gridpanel.
Filter textfield.
Filter textfield.
  • Try out the newly created filter by loading data into the grid and changing the textfields value.
Filter textfield.
Filter textfield.

Dissecting the example

Let's have a more detailed look at the function we passed to the change listener:

  •   function(field, newValue, oldValue) {...}

    If the value of a field is changed, our anonymous function is being called with passed arguments field, newValue and oldValue. field holds a reference to the textfield itself, newValue the changed/prevailing and oldValue the original/preceding value.

  •   field.up('gridpanel').getStore()

    Again, we use the methods up() to get a reference to the gridpanel and getStore() to get the associated store (see event click for the detailed information).

  •   .filter({...})

    With the store in hand we can access all methods provided by the (instantiated) Ext.data.Store class. As we want to filter the store by a particular value given in the textfield, we can make use of the method filter(). This method filters the data in the store by one or more fields and can be configured with a detailed filter configuration (from Ext.util.Filter class).

  •   {
        property: 'firstName',
        value: newValue || '',
        anyMatch: true,
        caseSensitive: false

    The given object represents a filter that is applied to the filter() function and is defined to filter the property (that is the field in the model to filter on) 'firstName'. The value to filter with is the newValue given by the event or an empty string ('') if the passed value is falsy (false, 0, '' null, undefined or NaN). Setting anyMatch to true configures the filter to match the value characters at any position in the store's value and by having caseSensitive set to false we ignore exact case matching.